Sunday, 3 August 2014

Edinburgh Festival Day One: 'Brazouka' and 'The Despondent Divorcée'

Brazouka: Choreographed by Arlene Phillips, this dazzling show didn't fail to impress in  terms of the glittering costumes, tricks and high energy dancing. The show was filled with fun and passion but, even though it was an enhancement of a true story, it felt a little tacky. After a while the choreography seemed to become a little repetitive, not that I'm an expert on ballroom dancing, but luckily the stunning team of dancers kept the mood up and even got the audience on their feet at the end of the show! An entertaining hour but not something to be rushing to see.

The Despondent Divorcée: HookHitch caught my eye last year with their beautiful play/ musical 'This Was The World and I Was King', so I was eager to return to see their new show. Cleverly and creatively we learn about the death of a women in a New York hotel through a young journalist, Robert. I loved the atmosphere created (the venue suited the show perfectly) and the smooth jazz music as an unusual perspective on an interesting story unfolded with flickers of flashbacks and narration joining together the fragmented story. Unfortunately, a few American accents were a little interesting and the show wasn't quite as touching and influential as last years but I definitely recommend grabbing yourself a ticket and I look forward to (hopefully) catching their other show 'Mildred and the Midnight City' later on this week.


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