Sunday, 16 November 2014

'The Addams Family' by BA Musical Theatre Students at Guildford School of Acting, Surrey

Yes, I know they are Musical Theatre students. Yes, I know the production was only on for a week. Yes, you really missed out if you didn’t see it. Three shows in less than a week and I can’t stop talking about the incredibly energetic production of The Addams Family.

Meet The Addams Family: Samantha Thomas’ Wednesday not only had the voice to raise the roof but her portrayal of the character was humourous, contrasting and clearly convincing. Gomez Addams played by Grant McConvey had the charming accent and opened the show with a bar raised high and kept pushing it higher throughout without letting it slip for a moment. Mortica Addams’, played by Martine Knight, was wacky, witty and showed her absurd necessity for a possession of secrets. And let’s not forget Samuel Gray as Lurch who may keep quiet for a lot of the show but makes a big impact on the audience, especially in the final moments of the show. The ensemble was sharp, interesting and added to the comedic element of the show, not to mention the incredible dance routines that thrilled us throughout. Every cast member showed off the three years of hard training that had helped make them into the astonishing performers that they appeared to be in this show. There really were no weak links in this show with stand out performances being Gomez Addams, Wednesday Addams and Alice Beineke (Kelly Hampson).

Having never seen, and barely heard of, The Addams Family I was impressed by the humorous, twisted and wacky script that Steven Dexter directs to come to life right before our eyes. Along with choreography by Richard Jones, the show in every element was powerful and hilarious. The music was what I enjoyed the most with music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa who in every number provides a new challenge for the cast and gives us something new.

I did not expect to be as amazed as I was by this show and everyone in it. My favourite moments include ‘Pulled’, ‘One Normal Night’, ‘Tango de Amor’, pretty much every number in the show and seeing Fester flying off to the Moon at the end of the show. Watch out the West End, this group of talented students is coming for you very soon!

See Guildford School of Acting's future productions:


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